Bramante: some links between form and info become surprisingly stronger in time
“Fu Bramante persona molto allegra e piacevole, e si dilettò sempre di giovare a’ prossimi suoi. Fu amicissimo delle persone ingegnose e favorevole a quelle in ciò che e’ poteva; come si vede che egli fece al grazioso Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, pittor celebratissimo, che da lui fu condotto a Roma. Sempre splendidissimamente si onorò e visse, et al grado, dove i meriti della sua vita l’avevano posto, era niente quel che aveva a petto a quello che egli avrebbe speso.”
English: Bramante was a very merry and pleasant person, ever delighting to help his neighbor. He was very much the friend of men of ability, and favored them in whatever way he could; as may be seen from his kindness to the gracious Raffaello da Urbino, most celebrated of painters, whom he brought to Rome. He always lived in the greatest splendor, doing honor to himself; and in the rank to which his merits had raised him, what he possessed was nothing to what he would have been able to spend.
Giorgio Vasari, Le vite dei più eccellenti pittori, scultori e architetti, 1550
July 17, 2015